
Regularexpressiontesterwithsyntaxhighlighting,explanation,cheatsheetforPHP/PCRE,Python,GO,JavaScript,Java,C#/.NET,Rust.,TestPHPregularexpressionsliveinyourbrowserandgeneratesamplecodeforpreg_match,preg_match_all,preg_replace,preg_grep,andpreg_split!,Theregexpatternmustbedelimitedbyavaliddelimiter.e.g./abc/,#abc#,etc.Themodifierflag“i”after/isspecifiedtoignorecasewhile ...,InPHP,regularexpressi...

PHP .htaccess

Regular expression tester with syntax highlighting, explanation, cheat sheet for PHP/PCRE, Python, GO, JavaScript, Java, C#/.NET, Rust.

PHP Live Regex

Test PHP regular expressions live in your browser and generate sample code for preg_match, preg_match_all, preg_replace, preg_grep, and preg_split!

Php preg_match

The regex pattern must be delimited by a valid delimiter. e.g. /abc/ , #abc# , etc. The modifier flag “i” after / is specified to ignore case while ...

PHP Regular Expressions

In PHP, regular expressions are strings composed of delimiters, a pattern and optional modifiers. $exp = /w3schools/i;. In the example above, / ...


Test preg_match online. Execute preg_match with this online tool preg_match() - Perform a regular expression match. Preg Match Online Tool.

Regex Tester

Test your Javascript and PCRE regular expressions online.

Regex Tester and Debugger Online

Regular Expression Tester with highlighting for Javascript and PCRE. Quickly test and debug your regex.


Regular expression tester with syntax highlighting, explanation, cheat sheet for PHP/PCRE, Python, GO, JavaScript, Java, C#/.NET, Rust.


Regular expression tester with syntax highlighting, PHP / PCRE & JS Support, contextual help, cheat sheet, reference, and searchable community patterns.

test preg_match online

Test and run preg_match online in your browser. Searches $subject for all matches to the regular expression given in $pattern and puts them in $matc.